Lately things have been pretty stressful. However, life is what you make it. This whole year, I was dwelling at the back of my mind the fact that my G license was going to expire. Truthfully I hate driving, but I also realize it's a mindset. If you think negatively with something it makes it really dreadful. I decided after all the trouble of getting my G2 I should have atleast tried for my G. In the end, I ended up failing but one thing I gained was, despite how scared something is in life, sometimes you just have to overcome your fear, because life in general is a scary thing. However, what makes it enjoyable is despite all the huffing and puffing, I believe we are put in situation to learn. What I gained from my experience is, confidence. My main concern, was the fact that due to my inexperience of driving, I would either a) kill myself or b) crash my friends car. However, at the end of the day none of it happen, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. This year has been a test of my limits, and despite all the difficult hiccups I have gone through, it really taught me a lot about life. Enjoy each moment to the fullest and never live in regret.


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